Each episode is dedicated to a single film on the AFI TOP 100 MOVIES. Starting at the bottom and working up we discuss the film and why it’s on the list in the first place.
We review film #7: “Lawrence of Arabia”…the 1962 film that goes to show you can spend four hours following a guy around in the desert and STILL make it entertaining.
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We review film #8: “Schindler’s List”…the 1993 film where Liam Neeson proves he has a very particular set of skills to help save a portion of the Jewish community during WWII.
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We review film #9: “Vertigo”…the 1958 movie that proves you should never go up into a bell tower unless it has railings installed. Seriously…where’s OSHA when you need them?
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We review film #10: “The Wizard of Oz”…the 1939-okay seriously? Have you not seen this movie? Do I need to write anything here? Didn’t think so. FLYING MONKEYS!!!
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We review film #11: “City Lights”…the 1931 Chaplin classic that proves the man was a genius with his filmmaking. How do you make a blind girl mistake the Tramp for a rich man without him speaking? All in the sounds you…
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We review film #12: “The Searchers”…the 1956 western that wasn’t like any other western I have seen and was apparently an influence on “TAXI DRIVER” and “STAR WARS”…huh…
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We review film #13: “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope”…the 1977 classic sci-fi film where Indiana Jones helps Colonel Nicholson and The Joker, save Jake’s psychotic ex-fiancé from Mufasa and Baron Frankenstein. Right?
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We review film #14: “Psycho”…the 1960 horror suspense film that teaches you to hate showers and NEVER STAY AT A ROADSIDE MOTEL. EVER.
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We review film #15: “2001: A Space Odyssey”…the 1968 sci-fi classic that proves you can make a 2 1/2 hour movie where every frame can potentially be a piece of art. Silly Kubrick and your attention to detail.
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